[ ? ] Brasil Latinos World
rednet . social
Progressive instances open for registration
💡 Servers running Mastodon, GoToSocial, Pleroma, Sharkey, and others are all interconnected in the Fediverse. Registering on any instance will let you interact with people in all other communities.
about this site
The goal of this site is to be an easy starting point for people who don't want their conversations to be steered by the billionaires who own all the commercial social networks and finally decided to move to the Fediverse, a web of interconnected networks designed to be run by their own users. You will see at a glance which instances (sites) are open for registration.

It was designed for people from the Global South but I will happily list instances of all kind of left-minded people. That includes a lot of people who often fight each other but are ultimately on the same team: minorities, ecologists, feminists, anarchists, communists, socialists, LGBT communities, native populations or anyone willing to fight against corporations and inequality.

Does that mean your instance will be excluded if it is not left-leaning ? Well if you lean on the other side (or think "none" is a real option) you already have the whole internet designed for you, so that's just a corner for the rest of us to connect with each other.

Instances are added manually upon request. Just send me a message ! Tests are automated — to know whether the site is alive or open for registrations.

In order to last this site is to remain minimalist, lightweight (and low cost).